

Matt Keadle is the pastor of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Los Angeles and the campus pastor to the University of Southern California. Most importantly, Matt is a super fan of U2 and Bruce Springsteen. He is the pop culture brains behind the operation.

Zach Parris is the pastor of Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Colorado Boulder and America’s finest (and only) institute of higher education in the Buddhist tradition, Naropa University. Zach’s formative musical years were given to R.E.M. and Alanis Morissette. These days he’s a super fan of Dawes, the Avett Brothers, and René Girard.


Nick Morris is our producer. He also works professionally under the alias, Draze Force. We love Producer Nick. If you need audio help; either technically or stylistically he is the master.

mattandzachMatt and Zach before the New Year’s Live Show from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago!